You want my one memory i remember of 10 years ago only because I cling to it to remind myself of things I forced myself to forget? Hah! Very well I'll tell about my 2nd daycare experience in Washington State, before I do I think I should explain my other daycare, it was called Perry Street as I recall and It's serious proof that I like being around older people better than kids my age.
I bet you all remember nap time don't you? How they made you go to sleep? I was an exception to that rule in Perry Street, I never needed to sleep early or needs naps for that matter, so while everyone else my age (Three or four years old i think) I was out at recess with the first graders, I don't remember any of their faces but I do remember that I was pretty loved by 'em.
So anyways back to the new daycare, in which I would later deem Philis's (Fill-esizz) When I went their it was a whole new ball of lavender scented purple wax (So I like lavender, so sue me!). There I wasn't aloud to stay up, I had to sleep in the laundry room by myself while everyone else was up stairs mainly because I played my Gameboy during this time (I beat Pokemon a lot during that time, I couldn't even read is the sick thing about it) I didn't really enjoy that much being secluded for 2 hours was not my idea of fun it probably affected my socials skills the most actually (emphasis on the was).
If you haven't figured it out yet; I. HATE. THIS. PLACE. After we got up from nap time (which I always felt strangely like I was let out of a cage every time I got up . . .) We had snack time, I hated this as much as I hated lunch and dinner time (Yea I stayed there pretty late in the day, usually the last to leave almost always left to my own devices, sometimes I was there till 8 at night) Your probably wondering, whats so bad about the food times? Well this is the place that gave me my absolute hatred for fruit, potato salad, tuna fish sandwiches, and of course soy milk.
So they had this rule, you had to clear your food to go out and play outside (Which I also hated given the constantly cold weather and the fact that NOBODY would even go near me, I was kinda frightening back then, still am.)Well of all the things they made me it, it was red ******* apples, something I hate as much as I hate oranges. I emphasize the stars because If I'm swearing in an assignment like that it means I REALLY hate it. So I get the fun of arguing with the day-care lady until I am blue in the face about how much I hate apples and soy milk but in the end, I end up eating them anyways, as a result feeling rather sick to my stomach for awhile. Oh and at meal times, we had an eating order (Though I never followed it.) first the fruit, then the vegetables, then the main course which was the only think I ate besides the vegetables. This probably sounds petty to you, it really isn't to me, because of how screwed up it made me in the end, my seclusive state of mind stemmed right from this portal to hell.
I forgot to mention the assistant didn't I? Series (I don't know its spelling but its pronounced Sair-eess) I hated her almost as much I hated the day care, far too controlling constantly putting me down about my work (and believe me, It was only me I'm pretty observant of stuff like that.) So, when I was younger I can recall three clear memories.
I was sitting under a tree in a cold winter day just watching people play on the play ground, not sure what to do with myself, I started singing and it wasn't some cutesy little crap song a child my age is supposed to sing I was my own song i made up about how the world was drowning me and I was asking why. I can't really say what was going through my head just that it was the start of my murmered singing I would not stop doing, I start singing in gibberish when i'm alone still do, I think its a coping mechanism
Next one day I was eating lunch I remember thinking "Must not get caught eating sandwich! Oh there's Series pick the apple up, pick it up! Slowly nibble it! Shes gone, put that down and spit that crap out of your mouth! Eat more sandwich!"
And then there's the one of when I first went to the place. It was late and I remember feeling cheerful when I saw so many toys thought it'd be a fun place (I can't even begin to tell you how stupid I felt after 2 years of that place) Anyways that actually counts as my rant and my assignment!

Why don't you click your heels three times and go to hell! - Anonymous