Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
November Blog Assign 1!
Heh, better mood still feeling a bit depressed though, I acted really childish today after school from massive amounts of aggression that my dad believes came from my dosage of Vitamin D pill (Now that I think about it, I was pretty off-center every time I took one of those damned things)Anyways to the Blog Assignment!
So it's like this, my memory is crap and I tend to forget the bad things that my parents did to me for the sake of not turning into a homicidal maniac, the only way to teach me a life lesson was usually to beat it in me. Im pretty set in my ways and beliefs so it takes an act of a god to get me to understand something life altering. One I clearly remember (That may have really blew myself-esteem to hell) Was when my dad yelled at me one time calling me the lowest piece of garbage on the earth, that I wasn't important and that I had no control. Something if you know me I really need or I get a bit claustrophobic.
I was 9 at the time, I think I did something that really pissed my dad off but either way I think he was trying to knock my sudden ego (more like misdirected need for independence in my opinion)down a bit, well it certainly did something basically like drop kicking a puppy with a steal toed shoe. My self-esteem went to hell but it certainly made me understand I can't control everyone (as much as I really would love to do sometimes) and can't get my way in life all the time. To be honest, if I had it my way I would not exist its rather irritating living a life as pointless as this only kicks I get out of it are stories about other more interesting lives.
Sorry Guys, But for me Beast-Man + Blood + Nice Black Outfits + Weapons = OMGWTFBBQ!!

They're all dead they just don't know it yet. -Eric Draven (The Crow)
So it's like this, my memory is crap and I tend to forget the bad things that my parents did to me for the sake of not turning into a homicidal maniac, the only way to teach me a life lesson was usually to beat it in me. Im pretty set in my ways and beliefs so it takes an act of a god to get me to understand something life altering. One I clearly remember (That may have really blew myself-esteem to hell) Was when my dad yelled at me one time calling me the lowest piece of garbage on the earth, that I wasn't important and that I had no control. Something if you know me I really need or I get a bit claustrophobic.
I was 9 at the time, I think I did something that really pissed my dad off but either way I think he was trying to knock my sudden ego (more like misdirected need for independence in my opinion)down a bit, well it certainly did something basically like drop kicking a puppy with a steal toed shoe. My self-esteem went to hell but it certainly made me understand I can't control everyone (as much as I really would love to do sometimes) and can't get my way in life all the time. To be honest, if I had it my way I would not exist its rather irritating living a life as pointless as this only kicks I get out of it are stories about other more interesting lives.
Sorry Guys, But for me Beast-Man + Blood + Nice Black Outfits + Weapons = OMGWTFBBQ!!

They're all dead they just don't know it yet. -Eric Draven (The Crow)
Sunday, November 1, 2009
-.- (Assign)
Another late assignment, I really need to get my act together. I am not going to excuse myself I slack off a lot and I honestly don't know why. Could be a consequence of me absolutely despising things I don't comprehend when taught it or just writing in general but whatever it is, it's not good. I honestly don't know where kids get the discipline to actually do the stupid freaking homework. I know for a fact I could be a straight A student if I actually tried but I don't and I will probably be awhile before I can actually work up the guts to actually ask for help, oh well, my loss not yours.
My best friend is named Tisha I've only known her for three years. But I feel like I knew her my whole life, shes so much like me (Well was, haven't seen her in nearly a year.)I must admit I don't miss her because like me she just isn't the type of person to live in the past (Well a little more than me anyways). Tisha, is an ambivert. But not quite in the traditional sense, I didn't let her be alone, she appreciated it I think, all I did was sit a listen to her about stuff that's bothering her and give small amounts of input here and there. She did the same things for me most of the time. She's a little bit Korean and Philippine she has dark skin dark brown eyes and short but stylish black hair she needs glasses and shes an amazing person to me.
She likes sports quite a bit, particularly shes a great track runner, she and I also like to help eachother with storie, and because shes my best friend I refuse to degrade her by admitting her negative things so don't expect anything bad from in this post.
Now heres my question to you; How do you define a friend? Someone you can be happy being around having fun? Someone who will protect you no matter what? Or someone who makes you day just a little more bare able? To me a friend is someone who will accept you unconditionally for who you are and help you discern right from wrong, someone who loves you anyways even after finding out that your doing something bad and comforts you when you feel like the world wants to crush you. To me thats what a real friend is, and that will never change. I love Tisha like a blood sister and will continue to do so for as long as I remember her.
And if she ever sees this post, I am sooo not gonna take credit for it.
My best friend is named Tisha I've only known her for three years. But I feel like I knew her my whole life, shes so much like me (Well was, haven't seen her in nearly a year.)I must admit I don't miss her because like me she just isn't the type of person to live in the past (Well a little more than me anyways). Tisha, is an ambivert. But not quite in the traditional sense, I didn't let her be alone, she appreciated it I think, all I did was sit a listen to her about stuff that's bothering her and give small amounts of input here and there. She did the same things for me most of the time. She's a little bit Korean and Philippine she has dark skin dark brown eyes and short but stylish black hair she needs glasses and shes an amazing person to me.
She likes sports quite a bit, particularly shes a great track runner, she and I also like to help eachother with storie, and because shes my best friend I refuse to degrade her by admitting her negative things so don't expect anything bad from in this post.
Now heres my question to you; How do you define a friend? Someone you can be happy being around having fun? Someone who will protect you no matter what? Or someone who makes you day just a little more bare able? To me a friend is someone who will accept you unconditionally for who you are and help you discern right from wrong, someone who loves you anyways even after finding out that your doing something bad and comforts you when you feel like the world wants to crush you. To me thats what a real friend is, and that will never change. I love Tisha like a blood sister and will continue to do so for as long as I remember her.
And if she ever sees this post, I am sooo not gonna take credit for it.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Ahh crap looks like I got caught in one hell of a weekend, so a later post for me . . . well two weeks missed times moving too fast now! Urgh!
You want my one memory i remember of 10 years ago only because I cling to it to remind myself of things I forced myself to forget? Hah! Very well I'll tell about my 2nd daycare experience in Washington State, before I do I think I should explain my other daycare, it was called Perry Street as I recall and It's serious proof that I like being around older people better than kids my age.
I bet you all remember nap time don't you? How they made you go to sleep? I was an exception to that rule in Perry Street, I never needed to sleep early or needs naps for that matter, so while everyone else my age (Three or four years old i think) I was out at recess with the first graders, I don't remember any of their faces but I do remember that I was pretty loved by 'em.
So anyways back to the new daycare, in which I would later deem Philis's (Fill-esizz) When I went their it was a whole new ball of lavender scented purple wax (So I like lavender, so sue me!). There I wasn't aloud to stay up, I had to sleep in the laundry room by myself while everyone else was up stairs mainly because I played my Gameboy during this time (I beat Pokemon a lot during that time, I couldn't even read is the sick thing about it) I didn't really enjoy that much being secluded for 2 hours was not my idea of fun it probably affected my socials skills the most actually (emphasis on the was).
If you haven't figured it out yet; I. HATE. THIS. PLACE. After we got up from nap time (which I always felt strangely like I was let out of a cage every time I got up . . .) We had snack time, I hated this as much as I hated lunch and dinner time (Yea I stayed there pretty late in the day, usually the last to leave almost always left to my own devices, sometimes I was there till 8 at night) Your probably wondering, whats so bad about the food times? Well this is the place that gave me my absolute hatred for fruit, potato salad, tuna fish sandwiches, and of course soy milk.
So they had this rule, you had to clear your food to go out and play outside (Which I also hated given the constantly cold weather and the fact that NOBODY would even go near me, I was kinda frightening back then, still am.)Well of all the things they made me it, it was red ******* apples, something I hate as much as I hate oranges. I emphasize the stars because If I'm swearing in an assignment like that it means I REALLY hate it. So I get the fun of arguing with the day-care lady until I am blue in the face about how much I hate apples and soy milk but in the end, I end up eating them anyways, as a result feeling rather sick to my stomach for awhile. Oh and at meal times, we had an eating order (Though I never followed it.) first the fruit, then the vegetables, then the main course which was the only think I ate besides the vegetables. This probably sounds petty to you, it really isn't to me, because of how screwed up it made me in the end, my seclusive state of mind stemmed right from this portal to hell.
I forgot to mention the assistant didn't I? Series (I don't know its spelling but its pronounced Sair-eess) I hated her almost as much I hated the day care, far too controlling constantly putting me down about my work (and believe me, It was only me I'm pretty observant of stuff like that.) So, when I was younger I can recall three clear memories.
I was sitting under a tree in a cold winter day just watching people play on the play ground, not sure what to do with myself, I started singing and it wasn't some cutesy little crap song a child my age is supposed to sing I was my own song i made up about how the world was drowning me and I was asking why. I can't really say what was going through my head just that it was the start of my murmered singing I would not stop doing, I start singing in gibberish when i'm alone still do, I think its a coping mechanism
Next one day I was eating lunch I remember thinking "Must not get caught eating sandwich! Oh there's Series pick the apple up, pick it up! Slowly nibble it! Shes gone, put that down and spit that crap out of your mouth! Eat more sandwich!"
And then there's the one of when I first went to the place. It was late and I remember feeling cheerful when I saw so many toys thought it'd be a fun place (I can't even begin to tell you how stupid I felt after 2 years of that place) Anyways that actually counts as my rant and my assignment!
Wow that's making me hungry.... I don't know why but that freaking plastic is making me hungry.
Why don't you click your heels three times and go to hell! - Anonymous
You want my one memory i remember of 10 years ago only because I cling to it to remind myself of things I forced myself to forget? Hah! Very well I'll tell about my 2nd daycare experience in Washington State, before I do I think I should explain my other daycare, it was called Perry Street as I recall and It's serious proof that I like being around older people better than kids my age.
I bet you all remember nap time don't you? How they made you go to sleep? I was an exception to that rule in Perry Street, I never needed to sleep early or needs naps for that matter, so while everyone else my age (Three or four years old i think) I was out at recess with the first graders, I don't remember any of their faces but I do remember that I was pretty loved by 'em.
So anyways back to the new daycare, in which I would later deem Philis's (Fill-esizz) When I went their it was a whole new ball of lavender scented purple wax (So I like lavender, so sue me!). There I wasn't aloud to stay up, I had to sleep in the laundry room by myself while everyone else was up stairs mainly because I played my Gameboy during this time (I beat Pokemon a lot during that time, I couldn't even read is the sick thing about it) I didn't really enjoy that much being secluded for 2 hours was not my idea of fun it probably affected my socials skills the most actually (emphasis on the was).
If you haven't figured it out yet; I. HATE. THIS. PLACE. After we got up from nap time (which I always felt strangely like I was let out of a cage every time I got up . . .) We had snack time, I hated this as much as I hated lunch and dinner time (Yea I stayed there pretty late in the day, usually the last to leave almost always left to my own devices, sometimes I was there till 8 at night) Your probably wondering, whats so bad about the food times? Well this is the place that gave me my absolute hatred for fruit, potato salad, tuna fish sandwiches, and of course soy milk.
So they had this rule, you had to clear your food to go out and play outside (Which I also hated given the constantly cold weather and the fact that NOBODY would even go near me, I was kinda frightening back then, still am.)Well of all the things they made me it, it was red ******* apples, something I hate as much as I hate oranges. I emphasize the stars because If I'm swearing in an assignment like that it means I REALLY hate it. So I get the fun of arguing with the day-care lady until I am blue in the face about how much I hate apples and soy milk but in the end, I end up eating them anyways, as a result feeling rather sick to my stomach for awhile. Oh and at meal times, we had an eating order (Though I never followed it.) first the fruit, then the vegetables, then the main course which was the only think I ate besides the vegetables. This probably sounds petty to you, it really isn't to me, because of how screwed up it made me in the end, my seclusive state of mind stemmed right from this portal to hell.
I forgot to mention the assistant didn't I? Series (I don't know its spelling but its pronounced Sair-eess) I hated her almost as much I hated the day care, far too controlling constantly putting me down about my work (and believe me, It was only me I'm pretty observant of stuff like that.) So, when I was younger I can recall three clear memories.
I was sitting under a tree in a cold winter day just watching people play on the play ground, not sure what to do with myself, I started singing and it wasn't some cutesy little crap song a child my age is supposed to sing I was my own song i made up about how the world was drowning me and I was asking why. I can't really say what was going through my head just that it was the start of my murmered singing I would not stop doing, I start singing in gibberish when i'm alone still do, I think its a coping mechanism
Next one day I was eating lunch I remember thinking "Must not get caught eating sandwich! Oh there's Series pick the apple up, pick it up! Slowly nibble it! Shes gone, put that down and spit that crap out of your mouth! Eat more sandwich!"
And then there's the one of when I first went to the place. It was late and I remember feeling cheerful when I saw so many toys thought it'd be a fun place (I can't even begin to tell you how stupid I felt after 2 years of that place) Anyways that actually counts as my rant and my assignment!

Why don't you click your heels three times and go to hell! - Anonymous
Monday, September 28, 2009
Second Reading Assignment!
My book is The Count of Monte Cristo (Use a french accent on "cri") and to be honest I had to trick myself into enjoying the beginning of the book or it would've taken too long to bypass the irritating beginning. The book hasn't quite grabbed my attention yet, and it's not very hard to get into, I think it's because the author is effectively painting the pictures into my head so i don't ave to have a total understanding of the 19th century to read the book itself.
I think the Count of Monte Cristo is imagery because there is so many describing details in the book that I can't help but think that. But at this point in time I am unsure. I think the author used the imagery the way he had because he sees his stories like a movie you can just see it in his wording that he wants you to see what he sees when he wrote the book. I write exactly like that, only difference is he can describe what he's seeing, my images are too vivid to describe perfectly.
The tone of the novel defiantly shifts from chapter to chapter, hes writing in his characters point of view literally getting into the character like an actor does only hes making the character not portraying it.
My rant for this post is simple. I. AM. SICK. It sucks more than most can imagine unless you have asthma as bad as I do! Plus my head clogged with ridiculous amounts of mucus and I feel like my throat is made of sand paper! Not only that but my breathing has gone to absolute crap. My brain is fuzzy with this cold that I am afraid I wont be able to go to Karate tomorrow and dang it, I need to go practice it's way to close to Kaijukenbo testing for comfort!
Okay then I saw this image a long time ago but it's still one of my favorites; the baby is Naruto (Or Naru-chan as I call him) and of course the nine-tailed se-*ahem* awesome beast fox, Kyuubi ( and since Kyu literally means nine and bi is the japanese suffix for tail his name literally translates to Ninetails his full name Kyuubi no Kitsune is Ninetails Fox)

What you are is what you have been, and what you will be is what you do now
I think the Count of Monte Cristo is imagery because there is so many describing details in the book that I can't help but think that. But at this point in time I am unsure. I think the author used the imagery the way he had because he sees his stories like a movie you can just see it in his wording that he wants you to see what he sees when he wrote the book. I write exactly like that, only difference is he can describe what he's seeing, my images are too vivid to describe perfectly.
The tone of the novel defiantly shifts from chapter to chapter, hes writing in his characters point of view literally getting into the character like an actor does only hes making the character not portraying it.
My rant for this post is simple. I. AM. SICK. It sucks more than most can imagine unless you have asthma as bad as I do! Plus my head clogged with ridiculous amounts of mucus and I feel like my throat is made of sand paper! Not only that but my breathing has gone to absolute crap. My brain is fuzzy with this cold that I am afraid I wont be able to go to Karate tomorrow and dang it, I need to go practice it's way to close to Kaijukenbo testing for comfort!
Okay then I saw this image a long time ago but it's still one of my favorites; the baby is Naruto (Or Naru-chan as I call him) and of course the nine-tailed se-*ahem* awesome beast fox, Kyuubi ( and since Kyu literally means nine and bi is the japanese suffix for tail his name literally translates to Ninetails his full name Kyuubi no Kitsune is Ninetails Fox)

What you are is what you have been, and what you will be is what you do now
-The Buddha
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Blog Assignment One!
Hey there, here's the first real blog!
So, you want to know how I persevere through those first hellish pages of almost every book I read? Well, because I need a few paragraphs for this assignment I wont be short about this. In all reality, I just read the book thinking how much it sucks until I get to something that at least mildly peaks my interest.
When it does peak my interest my reading becomes infinitely faster, in fact it becomes much faster to the point where I'm reading very quickly, and before I know it the books done and I'm craving for more. I have a passion for reading long books, I love them more than anything and it's usually how I judge a book; by the thickness of the book.
When the book confuses me I instantly get frustrated it's like trying to read a law book; I just get really angry and further have to resist the urge to drop the book then and there and leave it to rot.
Hehe, two words: My Ipod. I use that to tune out everything for reading, homework, irritating ranting and nagging, and pretty much all noise. I love music and it makes me concentrate that much better on my task at hand.
I hate how much CSS work I got ahead of me for this blog, oh and all the images I have to create for it using Adobe, its going to suck! Well when it's done at least I can say I'll have a good looking page that doesn't burn my eyes.
Then of course there's also the fact that I may not even do this, sometimes I just stop in the middle of a task and do no more to that task. I haven't much to say in this rant because I am not angry at the moment.
So here's an image of my recent obsession: Samurai Deeper Kyo!

"It's all fun and games until someone loses their spleen, then it's gut busting hilarious!" - Anonymous
So, you want to know how I persevere through those first hellish pages of almost every book I read? Well, because I need a few paragraphs for this assignment I wont be short about this. In all reality, I just read the book thinking how much it sucks until I get to something that at least mildly peaks my interest.
When it does peak my interest my reading becomes infinitely faster, in fact it becomes much faster to the point where I'm reading very quickly, and before I know it the books done and I'm craving for more. I have a passion for reading long books, I love them more than anything and it's usually how I judge a book; by the thickness of the book.
When the book confuses me I instantly get frustrated it's like trying to read a law book; I just get really angry and further have to resist the urge to drop the book then and there and leave it to rot.
Hehe, two words: My Ipod. I use that to tune out everything for reading, homework, irritating ranting and nagging, and pretty much all noise. I love music and it makes me concentrate that much better on my task at hand.
I hate how much CSS work I got ahead of me for this blog, oh and all the images I have to create for it using Adobe, its going to suck! Well when it's done at least I can say I'll have a good looking page that doesn't burn my eyes.
Then of course there's also the fact that I may not even do this, sometimes I just stop in the middle of a task and do no more to that task. I haven't much to say in this rant because I am not angry at the moment.
So here's an image of my recent obsession: Samurai Deeper Kyo!

"It's all fun and games until someone loses their spleen, then it's gut busting hilarious!" - Anonymous
First BLog Post!...
Awesome, the first blog post for this blog! Not much to say just what I plan to do with each post I ever put here. The first thing that comes is the school assignment, of course you're not liable to actually read it so I'll just bold that so you can see when the suffering ends.
It will look like this
Then when thats done I'll do my topical rant, you don't have to read that either, thats me blowing off some steam and that will be in orange
My rants will look like this!
Then Ill link an image I think looks cool, or an image I modified in photoshop!
It'll go right here!
Then after that in italics will be the final piece, it's either a short story (Or Long given if I got a good idea) a poem quote, a funny quote, or a wise quote, or a quote in genral!
Like this!
Then of course I may add a few thing I plan to do to the blog or not, not likely I enjoy doing things on the spot so it may not even be known 'till it's already executed.
It will look like this
Then when thats done I'll do my topical rant, you don't have to read that either, thats me blowing off some steam and that will be in orange
My rants will look like this!
Then Ill link an image I think looks cool, or an image I modified in photoshop!
It'll go right here!
Then after that in italics will be the final piece, it's either a short story (Or Long given if I got a good idea) a poem quote, a funny quote, or a wise quote, or a quote in genral!
Like this!
Then of course I may add a few thing I plan to do to the blog or not, not likely I enjoy doing things on the spot so it may not even be known 'till it's already executed.
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