So it's like this, my memory is crap and I tend to forget the bad things that my parents did to me for the sake of not turning into a homicidal maniac, the only way to teach me a life lesson was usually to beat it in me. Im pretty set in my ways and beliefs so it takes an act of a god to get me to understand something life altering. One I clearly remember (That may have really blew myself-esteem to hell) Was when my dad yelled at me one time calling me the lowest piece of garbage on the earth, that I wasn't important and that I had no control. Something if you know me I really need or I get a bit claustrophobic.
I was 9 at the time, I think I did something that really pissed my dad off but either way I think he was trying to knock my sudden ego (more like misdirected need for independence in my opinion)down a bit, well it certainly did something basically like drop kicking a puppy with a steal toed shoe. My self-esteem went to hell but it certainly made me understand I can't control everyone (as much as I really would love to do sometimes) and can't get my way in life all the time. To be honest, if I had it my way I would not exist its rather irritating living a life as pointless as this only kicks I get out of it are stories about other more interesting lives.
Sorry Guys, But for me Beast-Man + Blood + Nice Black Outfits + Weapons = OMGWTFBBQ!!

They're all dead they just don't know it yet. -Eric Draven (The Crow)
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